
I will report and produce community videos and maintain my own website.
I will also pursue my interest in digital photography and create an online photo gallery on photobucket.
I will learn how to mat my photo's.
I will produce a video about my motocross ridding.
Website design, portfolio, online video.
Monday March 30
I learned how to make a web site on blog showing my schedule and the writing I do. Then I went to a doctors appointment in Port Townsend and got a shot. After my appointment I picked up Our Kids Our Business supplies for Pam. Then I came and dropped them off at her office. I went to the computer lab and Pam showed me a program and how to add a video from a camera to the computer and some things the program could do for editing videos.

Second Life:
My experience with second life is interesting. second life is a virtual world that gives you the chance to see thing you wouldn't usually see. And learn new things about places and the environment. When you enter second life you get to pic a avatar which is an object or a person you get to dress it how ever you want and make it go were ever you want and even name it what ever you want. I like getting to go explore different places.
My second life avatar is interesting I have the chance to dress it up anyway i want and make it my own.
I like getting to talk to people from all around the world.
I enjoy getting to walk around and meet people or find things that interest me or neat places to look at.
I like to go to the stores and shop for cloths because that is something that interests me in real life. So its amazing to be able to do it on the computer.